Winds Of Change Are Here

Today is the first of December and the Lord spoke to me that the “Winds of change are here!”. Last night there were gusts of winds that came out of nowhere in Los Angeles. Many trees were knocked down, thousands of people without electricity and power! I was in my home in Marina Del Rey when the winds came out of no where.

The Lord spoke to me and said that “This is now the time when I am doing a Changing of the Guard”. You are going to see this come quickly and God is going to put a whole new crew on the front row. The days of suddenlies are upon us. Prepare yourself and know that God is with you and looking out for you. He has not left you in the dark during these days. Even though the lights and power in your life may seem to be out….God is sending forth the “light of the world – Jesus” who is going to bring revelation and restoration to all that the devil has stolen from you in the past. “Arise and shine – your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is going to fill the temple.”


Comments on “Winds Of Change Are Here

  1. Amen Sister!!!! The wind is blowing Randy and I to South Carolina!!!! We should be leaving within a few weeks to our new home town Fort Mill!!! I spoke with a friend out there and she said you have been up in that area already!!! girl you get around……..hahaha cawcaw!!!!! Your word is the same I got, that I sent out, when I stepped down from Aglow. Praise God… comes the glory train!!!!!! of all His goodness!!!!!

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